Monday, March 19, 2007

Lap Band Surgery

Ok, so it's been awhile since I started this thing and this is only my 2nd post. I never claimed that I would be prolific. Actually, I doubted anyone would read it, so I wasn't real invested in it. And also, I have been busy and stressed. See on March 5 I had surgery, I had a gastric lap band surgery and was pretty sure I would be dying. I didn't you may surmise, because I doubt that a lot of dead people blog. Oh there may be people who blog that are dead figuratively, but really dead, dead people...I'm pretty sure those people won't need to blog.

But getting back to my surgery, it has been 2 weeks since the surgery, 3 weeks since anything chewable has passed my lips. Well, not really because I did have a candy bar last week (ok I know that kind of defeats the purpose of the lap band, but don't judge) but I didn't chew the chocolate, I let it melt in my mouth so technically it is considered a liquid. I have 2 more days of "full" liquids...or liquids that cannot be seen through but thin enough to be able to be sucked through a straw, but you can't use a straw...and then I get to start 2 weeks of pureed. I have so far lost 21 pounds since I started a presurgery 1200 calorie diet on 02/12/07, 11 pounds since the surgery. I can only hope that this surgery will work for me, however my friend told me in AA they tell you "hope is not a strategy". As my surgeon keeps telling me, this is only a tool. Personally I prefer my tools on a man with a low slung leather tool belt with the leather squeaking as he moves and the hammer beating against his leg....oh nevermind, this is starting to go in a direction that I had not intended. So typically me.